Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Filming: Friday- Photoshoot

 Friday the 23rd of April:

  • On Friday we went to look at lighting and filming possibilties in the woods near the Belvedere at school. 
  • We were looking for shadows which would create a creepier atmosphere as it was the first scene where Sarah receives a photo of herself from her stalker.
  • We walked through the pathway of the woods and tried to use our camera to film the phone screen from an over-the-shoulde-shot. We found that this did not work as the light was glaring onto the screen.
  • We then adjusted the angle to a bird's eye view shot which meant that the light was blocked from shining on the screen.
  • We successfully filmed Sarah receiving the text by focusing on her phone screen which was a unique angle that we haven't used previously. 

We needed options of pictures to be able to send 'Sarah' the text of herself in the woods. We went up to the Belvedere and were able to take canted angle shots from behind trees which gave the photos a creepy appearence. We went closer to the wood area but we found that the shadows were too intense and so it was hard to make our Jess' face. We then moved into a more open area where we were able to get pictures of Jess from behind a bush to make it a realistic angle of where the stalker was hiding. We adjusted the angle that Jess faced so that we could see more of her face in the pictures which made it clearer when she received the text.  

This is our final photo that we used because                                                                              you can clearly see her face:                                  


1 comment:

  1. Excellent work. A reflective post with analysis of the decision-making process behind the woodland shoot. You show good understanding of how camerawork and mise-en-scene create meanings, with the connotations of the woods with the shadows. You explain how you tackled challenges in lighting. You illustrate this well with photographs.


 Millie Wyatt Candidate Number:   1874 Claremont Fan Court School:   64680 My brief was a film opening task. I had to produce the titles and...