Sunday, November 22, 2020



I have used Google Forms to create my audience questionnaire to send out to my peers, teachers and family. It is useful as it is easily accessible and the simple layout allows for the receiver to answer the questions quickly and clearly. It was very simple to set up and was not complicated.

The aim of my questionnaire is to gauge greater knowledge of our target audience’s interests and more desirable features in a horror/thriller film. By having knowledge of our audiences’ desires, we can cater our film for their needs which will mean that our film will be the most successful it possibly could be. We have decided to publish it on our blogs, after we email it out to the people who we want to fill it out.

My questions began with personal questions about the person filling out the form which started with asking their age of either ‘older than 35’ or ‘younger than 35’ as we would like our film to attract many age groups if possibly. By asking their age and gender we can categorise people and discover the patterns which occur in different genders and ages so that we can make sure to include everyone’s’ needs. I then go on to ask about their like for horror and thriller films and in turn which they prefer. We have decided that our film is to be a mixture of elements of horror films and that thrilling element of a thriller film. Our target audience is people from the ages of 15-25 as this is the age where horror films are the most popular as young adults and late teens enjoy the thrill more than the older generations. However, we do not want to exclude the older generations as the wider the audience, the better. By discovering which genres our target audience prefer, along with the older generations, we can decide which elements we will implement in our film and which ones would not be as popular.

Friday, November 20, 2020



My Group's treatment:

In our story, we follow the life of a woman called Sarah and the journey her stalker takes in weaving her way into the different aspects of her life whilst continuously taking and producing pictures of her. Sarah is a prominent player in her Lacrosse team and is excelling at her new position in a photography company as an assistant. A mysterious figure continues to appear as Sarah and her share various encounters which develop into meetings and even one on one exchanges. The distinctive features on her hand, such as a ring and a birthmark are constantly shown without her face being revealed to identify the stalker. Slowly Sarah begins to realise an unsettling presence in her life and she becomes warier of her surroundings. Although she doesn’t pin-point a person, she sees a camera flash from outside her bedroom window. Sarah begins to discover various pictures of herself with constructive comments written at the bottom. Finally, towards the end, Sarah is using the developing room and a picture which she has previously received is lying in the tray as the door opens and footsteps are heard. 

Top line and big question:

We decided our top line to be: 'Jealousy transforms into an obsession which leads to an unknown woman producing photos and film of her aquaintance as she stalks her everyday activities.'

Our big question for our opening sequence is: Will she discover her stalker's identity?


Thursday, November 19, 2020


1.      Who is my primary target audience?

Our target audience would be 15-25-YEAR-OLD British boys and girls. This main age rage is due to teenagers and young adults being the most likely to watch horror films as they enjoy the thrill more than the older generations. It might attract a larger female viewing due to the lead character being female.

File:BBFC 15 2002.png - Wikimedia Commons

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?

They would enjoy thrilling television series and action based dramas as our film opening is based around the suspense of a psychopathic stalker’s journey with the victim. The realism of the film would also attract people who watch horror films based on true events as we have chosen to base our ideas around psychopaths rather than the supernatural threats such as ghosts and demons.  For example, the Netflix series YOU is based on a psychopathic stalker as he narrates through his life as a stalker and how he targets his victims. This encompasses the fear of the unknown as he is presented as a normal person who his victim interacts with, unknowing of his dangerous natures.


3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

Our viewers would be in the younger generations of late teens and Netflix is the most popular viewing platform at the moment. They may also watch films or television on Amazon Prime as that is a popular alternative if the film is not available on Netflix. They are most likely to see information about films through the various social media sites that they use. For example, Instagram is commonly used to promote films along with Facebook for the older generations.  

A Collection Of Stylish & Free Social Media Icons

4. What brands do they prefer?

The brands that younger people prefer would include brands such as Nike and Adidas as our film has a sports element in it which could entice a sportier audience. Women from ages 15-25 also shop in shops such as Urban Outfitters as it is a popular clothing brand which also incorporates different brands which include Adidas and Nike.

Simple Logo Design Principles: Lesson from Nike Logo | by Vincent Xia | UX  Planet Urban outfitters Logos


5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

Our film is going to have a female lead which is not often the case in the film industry, however, women are more likely to be portrayed as the victim so we have made sure to make the stalker a woman too which is less common.

Girl Power!

. Why should my audience watch my film? 

Our target audience should watch our film because it incorporates many popular elements of a horror film and combining this with popular elements of psychologically thrilling TV series. It also has a female lead which promotes female power in the film industry along with challenging the stereotype of having a male stalker. The realistic style of our film also maximises the shock and tension as it is a regular, relatable situation that the stalker and victim meet.  



 Millie Wyatt Candidate Number:   1874 Claremont Fan Court School:   64680 My brief was a film opening task. I had to produce the titles and...